Your Hospital stay
You typically will be admitted on the day of the surgery and I will come and see you and make sure you are happy with the procedure, take your informed consent and mark the side. The anaesthetist will also see you before theatre and they will answer any queries regarding the anaesthetic etc.
You will also see my colleague Matt Smith, who will be assisting with the procedure. I am fortunate to work with Matt for the past 5 years and very proud that he was the first Surgical Assistant (NAASP) to be recognised as an Associate Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Arthroscopy is usually performed as a day case, you would be anaesthetised for somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes depending upon the complexity of the procedure. Two or three small holes are made in the side of the knee to accommodate for a telescope to look inside, instruments to do any work and a drain to remove any debris. The wound would usually be closed with glue and a thick bandage applied.